Blog > Wellness > 5 practices to cultivate Mindfulness during the day
published in 22 de Abril de 2021 | 6 reading time
"5 practices to cultivate Mindfulness during the day"
Working in the Health and Wellness area, we are often asked by our clients why they have so much muscle tension, and why they have so much difficulty sleeping. These problems - muscle tension and insomnia - are quite common in the life of the Portuguese and common to those looking for our Spa units.
Being part of the experience of those who visit us, at the end of each treatment we provide counseling directed to the problem. Within this advice we give lifestyle tips to cultivate mindfulness during the day.
We like to do this, not only for the relief it will bring to your problem and the prevention of future diseases, but because the mind-body connection is extremely important in an individual's health and well-being.
In this article, we will talk about how we can train ourselves, or rather, train our brain, through mindfulness practices so that you remain positive, calm, and focused.
“If you want to master life's anxiety, live in the moment, live in the breath” (Amit Ray)

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness, is the ability to be in the present moment. The words in Portuguese say it all - having your attention focused on the present, in the moment, in the now.
The mind is completely focused on what is happening, what you are doing, the space in which you are. It looks easy and gives the feeling that we already do, but in reality, our mind travels a lot. It easily loses concentration, and wanders through the thoughts that inhabit the brain.
Robin Sharma, a well-known writer, motivational speaker, and author of the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" (a book on spirituality and self-help) says that on a normal day, about 60,000 thoughts arise in an individual's mind. The most impressive thing is that 95% of these thoughts are the same as those that were thought of the day before.

Therefore, our mind is constantly shifting from one thought to another.
How often it happens, we do not remember doing something. For example, driving on the same route that we do every day and sometimes several times a day (from home to work and from work to home), happens a lot of times, we put the automatic mode. Certainly, it happened to have arrived home and to think: “I don't even remember making the journey or what I saw ahead”.
This is very common, as it was not practicing Full Attention, if it were, the complete path would be part of the memory that day, as well as what I saw and even the smells coming from abroad.
Watch this video by Monja Cohen to deepen the theme.
What are the benefits of practicing Mindfulness?
When we practice Mindfulness, we reduce stress, improve our performance, gain clarity in ideas, and increase awareness through observing our mind, and we are more aware of other people's well-being.
The benefits are immense, Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle are dedicated to teaching the practice of Mindfulness and showing the world its power as a daily practice.
It is a practice that requires some training, consistency, and patience. We must not forget that we are not used to it, and that we live in a world increasingly full of temptations that make our attention easily divert.
Cultivate Mindfulness during the day?

For a habit to enter our lives, and for it to become routine, we must practice it daily.
Meditation is an excellent practice and the best way, so to speak. 20 to 30 minutes of meditation a day is beneficial for you. But we do not always have that time, so we leave you “micro-practices” here so that during the day you can focus your attention.
“When you walk, you walk. When you eat, eat!” Zen Proverb
5 Mindfulness Practices to Include in Your Day
1. Notice the things around you
Focus on smells, sound, colors. Feel the wind or the sun. If you can, close your eyes and indulge in this practice for 3 to 4 minutes in pure observation. Even if it is in a place that is usually frequented by you, do it anyway. For sure, you will notice things you've never seen before.

2. Think before you react and question your emotions
Never accept an emotion or feeling as guaranteed and definitive. When you feel that a more negative emotion has arrived, think before you react to it.
Name your feelings and understand why you feel them. Accept emotions, do not fight them. The more you fight, the more importance you are giving them.

3. Save a minute of your day for a mindfulness moment
It is just 60 seconds out of 1440 seconds (a day of your life). Stop, put aside all tasks, put your phone in silence (the biggest distraction and temptation of recent years) and away from you so you do not feel it vibrating and just watch the present moment.
That observation involves bringing your attention to yourself, to what you are feeling. Watch your heart rate, touch your skin, feel your mouth. Observe if you have any physical or emotional pain, but do not focus on it. The main thing is to observe, as if you were a spectator.

4. Eat with your greatest awareness and attention - better known as Mindful eating.
Slow down, bring your attention to every movement of your mouth and enjoy the best that you can get from the flavors, the texture, the smell of the food. Use the 5 senses. etc.
- The Smell of Food;
- Observe the colors and combinations;
- Feel the texture in your mouth or even, if you can or want, eat with your hands. Something, it will be with the hands, even if it is the bread;
- Listen to the chewing and beating of cutlery;
- Savor each ingredient. Really try to understand what ingredients are in the dish (if you have not been the one to cook).

5. Do one thing at a time
Multi-tasking (often doing multiple tasks simultaneously) often causes anxiety and frustration. Do not speed up tasks and focus only on what's in front of you.
Organize your tasks in a to-do-list, to better manage your life. There are platforms that you can use, that make organizing and planning your daily life a lot easier. We can recommend Notion and Asana.
Don't try to be everywhere and do everything. Focus on one task at a time.
These 5 are some of the most varied ways of practicing mindfulness.
If you have difficulties, or want to go deeper into this topic, there are some apps that present various exercises, such as meditation - Calm and Aura.
Other ways to introduce and learn more about mindfulness and start a practice in a conducive environment, where you can try various activities, such as yoga, meditation, massages, healthy food, make a retreat. Take a break for a few days and immerse yourself in the good that a retreat can bring you.
Find out what a retreat is and the benefits of making one, in our Blog article.
A TOPSPA Consultants é a empresa líder na área de consultoria e gestão de Spas no mercado hoteleiro em Portugal.
Fundada em 2015 com a ambição de ser a melhor a empresa do mercado Wellness & Spa no país, possui atualmente 8 Spas em gestão própria e o maior número de prémios atribuídos pelos World Luxury Spa Awards.