Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massages relieve the typical discomforts of pregnancy, such as swelling and tiredness, allowing you to fully enjoy this special phase. Before the massage, a health assessment is done to ensure the treatment meets your needs and is appropriate for your stage of pregnancy.

TOPSPA's pregnancy massages use manual lymphatic drainage techniques to reduce fluid retention and relieve pain in strategic areas, such as the lower back, sciatic region, and legs.

Pregnancy massages also help reduce anxiety and stress levels that some mothers experience during this time, providing a pleasant sense of serenity through physical and mental rebalancing.

To fully enjoy the benefits of a pregnancy massage, the sessions are personalized according to your preferences.


Discover the Benefits of Pregnancy Massages

Pain Relief Benefits

Pregnancy massages reduce lower back and muscle pain that cause general discomfort throughout the day.

Psychological Benefits

By acting on the nervous system, it restores emotional balance, helps overcome hormonal changes, and reduces mental fatigue.

Draining Benefits

It unclogs the lymphatic vessels, reduces edema and pain caused by fluid accumulation, restoring lightness to the legs.

Dermatological Benefits

Its hydrating effects prevent the appearance of stretch marks, leaving the skin smooth, firm, and more elastic.

What to Expect from Our Pregnancy Massages

Our pregnancy massages are carefully prepared and performed by specialized therapists.

Depending on the selected massage, techniques such as manual lymphatic drainage, toning maneuvers, relaxation, and tension release are used.

If applicable, the products used, with draining and calming properties, are based on green tea, jasmine, and vitamin B12, unless there are contraindications.

Before starting any treatment, the therapist will adjust the massage to your preferences and specific conditions to maximize your experience.

To ensure your privacy during the session, only the areas of the body being massaged will be uncovered.

You can also choose to enjoy the spa facilities to start your relaxation or extend the effects of the experience.

Signs that you need a Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massages can be an important ally in avoiding unnecessary discomfort.

Here are some situations where pregnancy massage is beneficial:

  • Pain and swelling in the legs, feet, knees, hands, and joints.
  • Irritability and mood swings, often associated with physical fatigue, hormonal changes, and fears related to childbirth.
  • Muscle pain and tension due to weight gain and the growing belly.

Pregnancy massage is an experience of well-being and happiness, while also helping to alleviate physical discomfort throughout pregnancy.

How to purchase and use a spa voucher?

Select the Ritual

1. Select your voucher and fill in the necessary details until you reach the payment page.

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2. Fill in the payment details

Make payment

3. Click on "Make payment" and choose the payment method

Receive the Voucher

4. The voucher will be sent to the indicated email, yours or the recipient's.

What our clients are saying

Appreciated the counselling received prior to my Karin Herzog products purchase (which I love). A special thank you to Mónica that explained and advised me with special care and detail. An experience to repeat. Thank you.

Ana Cristina

Um dos melhores Spas que já visitei. Toda a experiência foi maravilhosa, desde a envolvência do espaço que parece transportar-nos para um Oásis, até à massagem onde a terapeuta foi sempre muito atenciosa. Não se esqueçam de aproveitar o banho turco.

Cristina Perinha

Excelente SPA em que as magníficas se conciliam na perfeição com a qualidade das terapeutas. Recomendo vivamente!

Luis Taborda

Excelente massagem de relaxamento. Muitos parabéns por todo o vosso conceito e atenção ao cliente. O vosso spa do restelo está num local fenomenal, bem perto do meu trabalho e transpira dedicação e relaxamento. 5 estrelas, é absolutamente maravilhoso! Dica para quem ler este testemunho: se puderem, tomem banho antes da massagem. Não vão acreditar no quão bom é sentir durante todo o dia, o vosso corpo com o perfume do aroma terapêutico que vai ser usado durante a massagem.

Rute Almeida

Obrigado a todos no cityspa pelo bem-estar que me proporcionaram. Não sou um cliente fácil de agradar e muito menos de testemunhar. Só por isso estão de parabéns. Foi a 1ª vez que recebi um voucher presente de massagem e achei estranho, mas por que não? Demorei a ir mas quando fui finalmente, senti-me mesmo bem depois da massagem e matei a curiosidade: Já sei porque é que é chamada de A melhor massagem relaxante do mundo! Vou voltar, até breve!

Igor Pereira

Everything you need to know about Pregnancy Massages

Can pregnancy massages be performed at any stage of pregnancy?

Our pregnancy massages are designed to be performed from the 3rd month of pregnancy and also during the breastfeeding phase. They are personalized to adapt to the different needs of each woman.

Pregnancy massages are recommended for those suffering from heavy, swollen legs and fluid retention.

They are ideal for relieving muscle tension caused by fatigue and stress, both before and after childbirth.